Flowchart symbols


Flowchart uses simple symbols to show different types of statements



   Parallelogram image is utilized to address and information or yield step. Info proclamation is use to get contribution from the client. The yield proclamation is utilized to show a back rub to the client or to show a worth.



Square shape image is utilized to address a cycle step. A cycle perhaps a perplexing computation or essentially a task explanation


Precious stone image is utilized to address a choice advance. A condition is given in the jewel. the progression of control from jewel may go into heading i:e One course if the condition is valid and the subsequent heading is the condition is bogus.


Oval symbol is used to represent the start or end of flow chart.

Flow lines

Arrow symbol are used to represent the direction of flow in the flow chart.

There are four types of flow lines.


Circle image is utilized to consolidate diverse stream lines. It is utilized when at least two stream images comes from various heading and move to one course.

Function call

Square shape image with twofold lines on lift and right side is utilized to call a capacity. The name of capacity with boundaries is composed inside the image.


This symbol is used with for loops to specify start and stop conditions.